100 sudden deaths were recorded in professional soccer players in one year,


Sep 21, 2004

Matt Le Tissier sounds the alarm on sudden soccer deaths​

  • by Justus R. Hope, MD
  • Feb 7, 2022 Updated 14 hrs ago
  • 0

Le Tissier


Le God Speaks about Sudden Soccer Deaths

Matt Le Tissier, a soccer legend, has earned the nickname 'Le God' due to his remarkable record throughout a 17-year playing career with the Southampton Football Club.​
"His talent was simply out of the norm. He could simply dribble past seven or eight players but without speed – he just walked past them. For me it was sensational," according to Xavier Hernandez Crus, former league professional. This highlight video showcases the breathtaking ease with which he scored goals.

Le Tissier was the first midfielder ever to score 100 goals in the Premier League, but his incredible loyalty to his Southampton Team is what earned him the nickname. Despite teams like Manchester United and Chelsea tempting him with 10 million pound contracts, Matt remained true to his home team and became the ‘God of Southampton’ with roads and other locations named in his honor.

For Matt Le Tissier, some things are more important than money.
His record at scoring 47 penalty kicks out of 48 attempts is among the greatest ever. To say his teammates respect him would be the height of understatement.
And now, 'Le God' is speaking out to protect his revered game and its sacred players from a pandemic of unexplained sudden cardiac deaths. Players are dropping dead at an alarming rate. He is angry that mainstream journalists are not reporting on this.
"It's not rare, let me tell you...I've never seen anything like it. I've played for 17 years. I never saw one person in 17 years have to come off the football (soccer) pitch with breathing difficulties, clutching their heart, heart problems." See mark 23:20.

Some have dismissed these deaths by labeling Le Tissier an “Anti-vaxxer,” while others take him seriously, including this writer.
You may recall another article where I reviewed sudden death in the young after vaccination. The report, published on January 24, 2022, points out that sudden death in young athletes is exceedingly rare, occurring in less than 1 in 300,000 to 1 in a 1,000,000.
However, between January 24th and this article’s writing, February 7th, a span of roughly 14 days, the number of collapses has increased by 105 – from 513 to 618, and the number resulting in death has increased by 77 – from 305 to 382. All of this in two weeks. Even if these had occurred over two years it would be cause for alarm and investigation.

These odd collapses and sudden deaths that were previously estimated at one in a million events now occur in exponentially increasing numbers, and no one in their right mind can dismiss them as being either rare or natural. And you cannot explain all this away by calling Le Tissier an anti-vaxxer.
Matt Le Tissier gave the following statement during an interview with Oracle Films: "Matt Le Tissier had all of his vaccinations up until this one – so if that means I'm an Anti-vaxxer, that seems a little bit odd given all the vaccinations I could possibly have had in my life – I've had probably 99% of them. So, if not choosing to have one – that by the way – a lot of people don't realize this, but they've had to change the definition of what a vaccine was – for this mRNA gene therapy to be called a vaccine... " See mark 16:32.

"It's a really sad way to go about making a living. And there are some journalists who really, really must struggle when they put their head on their pillow at night. They must struggle to get themselves to sleep. And let me tell you this, I go to sleep every night when my head hits the pillow – I'm a very contented man – and I go to sleep very, very well, thank you very much." See mark 15:50.

Jan 20, 2002
This is getting no mmm coverage.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
hopefully this is an Irish Babylon Bee?


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